The Kingdom Of God Business Plan

The Kingdom Of God Business Plan

THE KINGDOM OF GOD BUSINESS PLAN TRAINING GUIDE BOOK: A forward-looking Great Commission Vision Business Plan Guide and training manual to developing and achieving culturally relevant strategy in any part of the global business community. This book acts in the capacity of a secretariat role to the General Overseer (Holy Spirit) on the planet earth for the kingdom of God business. The book invariably can be used in the following communities: 1. To the Christian/Churched Community: It challenges each leader/Bishop/Pastor/Elder/Deacon/Deaconess/the general congregants and the individual members of the Body of Christ to study and examine the call and the Great Commission Vision of the 21st Century. 2. To the Non-Christian/Unchurched Community: The book gives a great insight, foresight and hindsight into pursuing a more fearless, orderly, confident and progressive winning lifestyle based on the business life of Jesus Christ as the Great Business Man Who lives forever. 3. To Both the Christian and Non-Christian Corporate Business World: The book is written to give you Insight/Foresight and Hindsight into your business activities and operations based on the Power of the Lord Jesus Christ. Most probably, you have tried and tested many powers to boost and sustain your business but to no avail. Finally, this book will help the reader to discover and apply the business and marketing strategies of Jesus Christ Earthly Ministry. How He started with no financial working capital and only with incompetent, faithless, mostly fishermen who in some instances, irritated and agitated Him! Nonetheless, He used a step-by-step approach detailed in the book to build His business into a business Conglomerate Worldwide which is still actively running. The Great Marketing Strategist called Jesus Christ. Check out His story in this great book.
