Vitamin D Deficient

Vitamin D Deficient

Did you know that an estimated 1 billion people worldwide have low levels of Vitamin D in their blood? And did you know that Vitamin D isn’t really a Vitamin at all? It’s a prohormone—and prohormones are substances that your body will convert into a hormone. And because of that, unlike vitamins, every cell in your body has a receptor for it. This also means that it must be broken down from the initial form into a form your body can use. Vitamin D is then circulated throughout the body and in turn, it serves many important functions. This so-called “vitamin” is essential in many of your body’s functions, especially your skeletal system because it supports bone growth and promotes muscle health. In this guide, we’ll take a close look at why Vitamin D is essential, the causes of Vitamin D deficiency—as well as symptoms you should look out for—and what you can do to make sure you are getting enough.
