The Vegan Green Book

The Vegan Green Book

Switching to a vegetarian diet can be an exciting and fun way to attain a healthier lifestyle. As we have previ-ously learned, vegetarians do not eat meat, poultry, or fish. Although some do eat dairy or eggs. If you choose to follow one of these diets and lifestyles, you will find that your risks of contracting certain diseases will fall. The vegetarian lifestyle has been around for thousands of years, so there must be something to it, otherwise it would have been long gone by now. Whether it came about though religion or out of necessity is not as important as the benefits that it brings to those who choose to live a vegetarian lifestyle. That is not to mention it helps people live in harmony with the animals and the nature that surrounds us and not being a part of the unnecessary slaughter of livestock and poultry can help us live with a clearer conscious.
