Fit In 15

Fit In 15

I’m sure you’ll be familiar with plenty of fad diets and gimmicks and may have even tried a few in the past, whether that’s been low-carb dieting, Atkins, a fat-free diet, the baby food diet, cabbage soup, slashing your calories right down, or just relying on pills, powders and potions to see you through, rather than real food. The thing about these diets, while you’d imagine they’d get results, seeing as for most of them you’re surviving on very little and making your eating plan extreme, is that they don’t work. I know that eating and training to get a lean, sexy, slender physique is actually very straightforward. Through principles that are backed by science and evidence, this book will show you how you can get your dream body without using any of the drastic measures that are so often associated with weight loss. Whether you just want to lose a few pounds for a vacation, or you want to blast body fat and look like a cover model, or maybe even your favourite female athlete, this book is for you.
